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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Pada Telaga itu

 Semacam perahu tanpa layar

Tanpa dayung tanpa sauh

Apalagi turbo biar gerak nan jauh

Di basin air yang berpusar-pusar

Di rupa beranda telaga

puting beliung tetiba



Aku gelibat

Meski sempat geliat

Tanpa hakikat

Cipayung, Agustus 2023

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Di Ujung Teluk

Ada banyak paku menancap di kaki ku
Ku jejak kali pertama sejak selusin dua lusin bulan berganti penuh 

Tahun berganti tahun
Mungkin tiga lusin

Tak teringat lagi
Pakupaku itu perih
Mengundang sedih 

Menancap tajam buat tak gerak
Kucoba teriak dengan suara serak

Malah semilir yang berdesau
Dimataku, tepat dibola mataku; 
teluk yang indah itu
Berubah barisbaris pasir: bersampah, kotor dan bau
Lumpur entah dari mana tiada yang tau

Aku awam 
Dan tak paham

Kata para akademia: itu abrasi! 
Semacam pengikisan daratan oleh gelombang
Dan buat rugi masyarakat 

Kata para aktivis lingkungan : itu eksploitasi! 
Pengerukan berlebihan pada kekayaan laut 
Dan ekosistem jadi tak imbang
Aku tergugu

Tak mampu apaapa!

Telukku indah berubah rupa
Telah di rusak oknum penguasa
Atas nama program apaapa
Alih fungsi lahan penjaga
Katanya tak apaapa
Bla Bla Bla!

Rakyat pun seolah merasa
Boleh selebrasi dengan gembira
Tebar limbah dimanamana
Katanya ini turut serta 
Dalam rangka membeo kata
Bla Bla Bla!

Teluk bagiku adalah nostalgia 
Teluk Kendari ku adalah rekam masa  kecil tentang cita 
dan asa::

Kemaraya, 2020

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Tanah Tamalaki

Apa telah datang padamu, 
kabar dari Negeri nun jauh? 
Mereka merangsek maju

"Ini tanah para leluhur
Kami tak mau berbagi subur
Apalagi harta dihambur" 

"Tak boleh tentang itu adat, 
Apalagi menghujat! 
Sungguh, ini tentang istiadat
Nan kukuh tanpa tenggat
Meski berkalang gelagat" 


Para tetua mulai angkat Kalo
Kalau Kalo tlah berkata "heo!" 
Langitkan titah Tolohianga

Bumi menderapkan kaki kudakuda 
Tamalaki berjagajaga
Tanpa lelap trus siaga
Maka kelahi tiada
Namun niaga tetap ada
Tanah-tanah berburai tanpa hara 

Hendak bertitah apa? 
Meski kuasa? 

::investigasi, eksplorasi. eksploitasi!

Kemaraya, 2023

Monday, February 21, 2022


Katanya, katakata nya sangat berkata
Entah apa hingga kaya katakata
Entah kata sebagai mana hingga mampu berkatakata
Adakah kuasa dalam katakata nya? 
Adakah berkah dalam kata, katanya?
Adakah nada dalam katakata nya?
Adakah KATA dalam kata, katanya?
Adakah KITA dalam katanya?
Kata kita kata tanya
Kata nya kita kata tanya
Katanya, KITA tanya kata
Katanya, KITA kata tanya
Kata kita kata tanya

Cipayung, 21.02.22

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Oblivion, DearTime!

has ever come to you, dear Time?
those discourses
on Sorrow
on Emptiness

drawing extra dimensions
of other creatures
grumbling crumbling mumbling thus
stating that; their improbability
is null

creating frightens
then, numb.. 

if you can count the percentages
how much can you quantify?
pull you back to a never-ending hollow labyrinths::
instead of shrinking you in a machine
will  suck you into

:: There might be God's hand reaching and squeezing you

one times zero equals to
then we are back to square one 
with oblivious, dear Time
I certainly against you this. Let's head to head and accomplish the quarrel once and for all 

you will exist no more..

Jakarta, 21.12. 21

Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Farewell Serenade

Oh Dear,
So these "love is in the air", " love is what you need", "love will lead you back" things have about to corner
Pinkish jargons as sweet as candies had come to an end
Phone calls, rendezvous, cyber appointments have many but null
Cotton candies skies turn back to grey
At a sudden

By only some words
Which for me was quite quirking
And whirlwind
But to you were quite sharping 
And nailing
And those words were chopping 
Your heart into pieces
(And mine)

Sorry not sorry..
(But Thou acted silently afterwards)

Apology accepted!
Though words spoken none unto your mouth 
Care not do Thy?
Otherwise immediately notified
Thou meant only mean!

:However doves flew shy away..

Sunday, July 19, 2020

On Parenting: Do we have to spank?

Once upon a time, on my attempt to preserve my passion to write, I've forced myself to read numbers of reading. Either it is on the net, or it is on papers. Got pieces from my hubby who, this made me envy at him, fortunately has an opportunity to participate in a workshop for writing (well, I will share my feeling about this, I promise!^-^). While, stuttering those pieces on how to manage my time to read all of them, I happened to grab one which hit in my eyes.

This piece is about spanking, or let me say, topics about child abuse, I guess. Kinda shock, frankly speaking. As it is an issue that many people prefer not to discuss. It tells about the reality happens in many American houses where parents becoming hopeless toward their children upbringing. Many kids have lost their respects to parents nowadays. So then the writer put his statements that spanking is as acceptable and sometimes necessary form of disciplining a child.While, ironically circa 1990's to 2000, parents were quite insisting on fitting their children to be their BFF.

Correct me if I'm wrong, this also have happened in Indonesia these decades, right?

I can witness and confess that we are eager and anxious enough to comfort our children. Consciously or unconsciously,we stretch the path to their future, lead them, serve them, protect them. Without knowing to realize that they have little, if not at all, respects to their parents.

To some degree,  we are loosing attempts to make our children to be discipline somehow. Not to mention the working parents who surrender to the so called quality time; it should be peaceful, should be still, no arguments, no battle. Peace and ease at home. And this might be a standard operation to many households.

Luckily, we are familiar to and yet live in  Eastern cultures (part of religions, as well) where respecting parents are one of the many duties a child need to bear on. At one thing, living in a culture like this can benefit our modes of parenting. Obey parents' instructions, being polite to the elderly especially our mother, no offense words, are ones of the many "rules" addressed to so-called Eastern people (well, this term is also questionable) without any reserved whatsoever.

When I was a kid, I sincerely follow these rules. Follow the rules, then the rewards are in the Hereafter; Paradise.As simple as that. With no exception and arguments, kids in those time had had unspoken consensus.A way too far to what happened nowadays. Kids recently are mostly winning the battle of debate. Their arguments are sophisticated. Full of assumption and logical. At least, to my experience. Haha..

Thus, what parents do when they are within that kind of situation? Some are following the flow. Some are building their wall of protection. Arguing their children is one way to show their power and at the same time a proof that parents are more experienced than these little people. But for me, our children are and should be our responsibility to The Creator, our living and closest friends to chat about many things, our urgent person to contact, our reminders gently or not concerning some things, our support system, our big helpers and many more. You see, if we put our shoes on theirs and understand their position, especially their day to day experience, we will witness our relationship grow stronger and stronger each and every day. Our bonding is not merely the blood but also spiritual, social and even critical thoughts on many issues. 

Those are my opinions. I don't know your thoughts. Have any? Please comment on the box..